My name’s Marc Smith. I’m 35 years old. Born in Brighton but I lived almost all my life in Mallorca (Spain). Got in the punk rock scene in 98′ with a band called No Children. Released 4 albums and been around the World several times touring with bands like Samiam, Strung Out, No Fun At All, Undeclinable Ambuscade, Avril Lavigne (not kidding) and many more… Called it quits in 2012 and formed Kiss The Enemy. Released a 5 song EP and have a few videos on YuTube. Recorded a full length album and disolved the band before releasing it. The chemistry wasn’t right. I own all songs as I’m the songwriter of both bands and also paid for recordings. After that started to write acoustic songs and doing my own thing. Moved to London recently to start a new life and make music. Currently writting an acoustic album.