
Cecilia G


Definitely one to watchMUM

Her songs are self-contained stories shedding an ironic light on lifeSCHOOL TEACHER


I’m a singer songwriter and actress from Italy. After graduating in jazz studies, I started out playing jazz and blues alongside working as an actress and writer. I started writing songs as a way to overcome the torments of life and with a great sound engineer called Sean (who used to say “yeah yeah yeah” in a 70s disco dance way) I worked on my first originals. The first song I ever wrote was about food. Yes. I know. But I’m Italian, it makes sense. It’s called “One Last Cookie”. 

After long afternoons, evenings and weekends spent in my room writing and recording songs with an 80s keyboard and an I-phone for company, I felt ready to share the fruits of my labour. I got in touch with a few producers, had some peculiar encounters and then I entered the magic doors of Abbey Road to meet Rob Cass who, with his outfit "Cave Productions", produces songs from this heavenly place. With Rob I started developing the edgy solo material that I had (I felt like a real woman by then), into more developed ideas, which started leaning towards a more popular sound.  In October 2014 I released my first solo EP “The Funeral Of My Expectations”.

In December 2014 I joined the record label The Animal Farm, we’ve started recording some new material I’m really excited about.

My music is inspired massively by blues and jazz (old school blues is what you’d find me singing under the shower), with a sprinkle of pop to finish it off…. I know, food again!?

To be continued.