


Claudia's 2014 Biography

Claudia is a 20 year old singer/songwriter from Surrey, who has been inspiring audiences for over 2 years with her show stopping, catchy indie folk songs. Her personal, socially swayed lyrics bring issues to mind that cut to the heart of the jaded person within all of us.

Becoming increasingly aware of the struggles and injustices faced by those around her, Claudia first picked up a guitar in an attempt to have her opinions heard. After receiving notable support at her early shows, she began to see the reach she could have with the music she creates.

Claudia would sit well with anyone who has a record collection containing Frank Turner, Fleet Foxes and Gabrielle Aplin.

Now, having found her voice through writing and performing her eclectic mix of songs, that range from having sing-a-long pop choruses to being stripped down and acoustic, telling it how it is, Claudia is working on her second EP “Short Fuse”.

"Claudia performs with a ton of guts, passion, and at times brutal intensity; this girl obviously has something to prove." – The Music Melting Pot