Hi! I am Jake Morris, I am 21 years old and I aim to inspire and share my experiences with you all through my music!
My love for music started because I come from a very musical family, they would play music all the time so really there was no getting away from it! They would play a lot of Motown, disco and reggae music. I then started playing the drums when I was in school and experimented with being in various bands through that time, but I then started to drift away from what all my friends were doing. I then started to listen to more and more reggae, i loved rock music as well but the message in reggae music was something that really hit me and I fell in love with the genre and because I just loved the feeling it gave me and the happiness I felt while listening to it and watching live performances on youtube of Bob Marley and others artists such as Matisyahu, Sam Garret and Mike Love. These artists really made me realise what I wanted to do. I started to teach myself the guitar at age 17 and have recently in the last year started to write my own songs.
My music shares a reggae feeling and meaningful lyrics. My lyrics are influenced by things I have encountered and continue to encounter through my life and my want to unite everybody which comes across in my song “Unite”. A big inspiration for my songs is the nature that surrounds us. A lot of my childhood was spent outdoors, going on camping holidays and running though forests and on beaches; it made me discover a love for what is around us. I feel a lot of people have become detached from nature and take the things that keep us alive for granted! Another inspiration is love because it’s a magical feeling that is hard to describe but it has such a big impact on our lives when you come across it and it’s hard not to write about it.
I have spent quite a lot of time busking around London which is one of my favourite ways to share my music with people. I just love interacting with people and seeing all the different people walk past and seeing that music really can brighten peoples day is a massive incentive. I have recently played in association with the Walthamstow Garden Party, Chingford Festival and Highams Park Arts Festival. I love playing live and entertaining people and sharing my message of peace and loving the people and world that is around you!