


Rock and roll rules dictate that after the first flush of youth, after bands get over their angry phase then you see the development of finely honed musicianship and reflective song-writing comes to the fore…………………..bollocks! When you’ve got something to say, shout it.

Shambolic have steadily progressed from their sensitive roots into a blast of icy air bringing the howl of world weary cynicism to their particular brand of ‘pedal to the metal’ rock.

Not settling into churning out hackneyed crap they seem to tap into subjects that keep drawing blood time and time again.

Influenced by the best of rock from the 1950’s onwards, these guys will use anything to get the music across. If it sounds good it’s in.

The live performances are always ‘full volume’ because it’s the only way they know how…….and boy does it work.

The line-up is unchanged since the band started in 1995 – a feat in itself these days.

Shambolic shy away from the usual song writer subjects – love lost, heartache, sunshine days and pretty things – they tend to write about real things that are happening now. Eschewing escapism they want to meet it all head on. No wonder its dark and angry, let’s face it, there isn’t a great deal to be positive about these days is there?