
The Ben Dwyer Xperiment


Hailing from the vibrant city of London, The Ben Dwyer Xperiment is a 7-piece band that masterfully blends the grooves of jazz, funk, and fusion. Drawing inspiration from legends such as Herbie Hancock, The Headhunters, Kenny Garrett, and The RH Factor, this ensemble delivers a unique sound that’s both sophisticated and irresistibly danceable.

Their impressive live shows have earned them a dedicated following. Highlights include a sold-out industry showcase at Ninety One Living Room, as well as memorable gigs at The Jam House and the Spice of Life. The band has also made waves on the festival scene, perfomring at Cheltenham Jazz Festival, Stompin’ on the Quomps, and Germany’s Aalen JazzFest



The Ben Dwyer Xperiment - Promo Reel
