
The Many Few


The Many Few bring you danceable delights and neural nightscapes. Boy and girl singers charismatically convey their singular songs and charms backed by precision-cut grooves: imaginative, dramatic, catchy, and fun. Join them for a frolic through their deviant divergences!

Fans remain mystified by the band's influences, but identifiable ingredients include the pastoral Englishness of the Kinks, the jaggedness of Costello, the sardonic sideswipes of the Magic Band, and the wistful melancholic beauty of Kate Bush standing in for Morrissey.

Other influences include the song of the lesser goldfinch, the innocence of a woodland fawn by dawn's first light, the fluttering of leathery wings exploring the darkest reaches of your moonshadowed fears, and the smell of fresh-cut grass. Careful now: mentioning the B52s will just get you glared at.

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