

Daily Discovery brings you the latest in new music. These gems have been handpicked from the vast array of talented artists we have at our disposal.

Today’s Daily Discovery is Lonely by Naipia

Naipia combines Indie and pop genres, leaving audiences with addictive melodies etched into their minds. Songs about misspent youth, growth of the soul, and hard lessons learnt, NAIPIA take you to a place of self-reflection whilst shining a light on the beauty of what’s to come.

Vocalist George can be found at the front of the stage, shoe-less, in a power stance insisting you feel every word that leaves his mouth. At his side, cousin Harry on bass, who has a natural talent at sitting in the pocket with simple, melodic grooves and Matt on drums who holds the band together with his tight-knit, and creative rhythm.

WANT TO HEAR MORE? Naipia is taking part in RISING, our brand new series of live-streamed events, which aims to support and raise money for War Child UK to assist their work during the Covid-19 crisis.

HOT VOX have raised thousands of pounds for War Child through live gigs and events over the past two years. Now we’re taking RISING online, and with the help of our immensely talented roster of artists, we hope to raise even more vital funds for this valuable cause.

Tune in to see Naipia streaming live on Sunday 7th June at 7.00pm

Click here to tune in, watch and donate


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