

Daily Discovery brings you the latest in new music. These gems have been handpicked from the vast array of talented artists we have at our disposal.

Today’s Daily Discovery is SAIMING SAYS by South London-based artist, SAIMING

WANT TO HEAR MORE? To see the premiere of Saiming’s “Listening Party”, head to at 7:30pm on 11th March

Filmed in full HD, “Listening Party” allows you to enjoy the intimacy and authenticity of a live show, from the comfort and safety of your own home, ensuring that your experience as a fan is as close as possible to the show you’re used to seeing from your favourite artists 

The live industry has been decimated by Coronavirus, and the livelihoods of many musicians, venues, promoters, agents, managers, sound engineers, videographers and stage reps hang in the balance. Many of these individuals are freelancers, self-employed, or sustain themselves project-to-project, or gig-by-gig.

Best of all it’s totally free to watch – and you can get access to some exclusive rewards from Saiming…

Click HERE to tune in, watch and donate!


09 Mar

Saiming Says


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